Shawna: Psychic Medium, Intuitive Reader, Award Winning Author & Speaker

I left my body to join the angels at the age of 2

I have been a vessel for the voice of the Divine for over three decades, serving as a psychic medium and intuitive channel, and I founded the Divine Knowing Institute to educate as many seekers as possible about learning to become intuitive.

I yield my gift for Spiritual counseling, imparting wisdom and insight that positively impact the lives of my clients. As an award-winning author and public speaker, I am beyond thankful for being able to reach so many people and help them uncover their true essence and guide their path toward spiritual awakening.

I Often Get Asked How I Became a Psychic Medium

I left my body to join the angels at the age of 2

I was born an intuitive psychic and wasn’t aware that I was uniquely gifted until the age of nine. At this young age, I discovered that I had the gift of seeing auras, a glow of colored light around living things.

Along with this discovery, I found that this gift was not something that everyone possessed. I felt somewhat different and it made me uncomfortable. Even though I downplayed my new-found gift, I did continue to have psychic intuition.

I am deeply grateful to my mother who told me this gift is a normal part of life. She said, “Use it and it will strengthen, just like any talent or muscle in your body. Neglect it and it will atrophy.” With my mother’s wisdom, I was able to take my gifts in stride and honor them as they developed.


My gift of psychic mediumship did not fully develop until my mid-thirties. One day, while my life was in great turmoil and I was in deep prayer, I experienced a life-altering vision.

I received a profound visit from angels and a light too bright to comprehend as well as a love more complete than any earthly love. The experience resembles those of some near-death recounts, and stories from biblical times.

The Holy Spirit enlightened me and all my chakras were opened. It was at this moment that I experienced the fullness of Divine presence, which awakened my clairvoyance to its fullest. I was answered with visions, words, and surrounded by my angels and guides. I received answers to my prayers and more. Spirit said, “We can speak through you to help others.”

The Turning Point

Being able to share my gift of insight with others to lead them to their life’s dreams is truly satisfying.

Yes, I had always heard, "Ask and you shall receive," but suddenly my gifts were fully activated and I knew things for others and understood things I didn’t even need to know. After the initial shock of this realization, I shared a bit with family and friends. Instead of charging a fee to share my gift, I asked for feedback as to the value each person experienced.

After one year it was clear that the intuitive information coming through me was of great value to others. I had a full-time job as an accountant at the time and was extremely busy juggling single motherhood, full-time work, and my calling as a psychic medium.

Eventually, I got so busy as a psychic medium that I had to make a choice as to how I would spend my working hours and support my family. I took a huge leap of faith (with the help of Divine guidance) and quit my very safe, full-time job for the unknown of self-employment. I would be relying only on my Spiritual Gifts of helping others as a means of supporting my family. By the end of the first week, my income had doubled! More than thirty years later, I am still living my dream of working with the Divine Guidance that comes through me to help others. I love my work.

Being able to share my gift of insight with others to lead them to their life’s dreams is truly satisfying. By calling on Spirit, I can give you guidance and comfort to help resolve your most important life issues. I look forward to helping you.

In-Person Psychic Readings in San Diego County & Orange County

All psychic readings with Shawna can be done over the phone, anywhere in the country or outside of the US. All psychic readings are done with 100% accuracy, call 1.800.KNOWING. Areas where Shawna's services are provided are:

  • Life decisions
  • Relationship issues
  • Career
  • Emotional challenges
  • Health