How many healing sessions are necessary to experience the full benefits?

While some people may feel improvement after one session, typically, it takes multiple sessions to clear completely and balance the energy flow in the body.

Energy healing is a complementary therapy that can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve well-being. The number of energy sessions needed to experience full benefits varies depending on each individual and the problems being addressed. 

While many people may feel improvement after one session, receiving three to six sessions is recommended to experience full benefits results. During the healing sessions, I work on the energetic level. Typically, it takes multiple sessions to clear completely and balance the energy flow in the body.

It’s also important to know that each healing session builds upon the previous one, allowing me to work more deeply and effectively. When you call me, I will determine the best course of action for your needs. Monthly maintenance sessions or as you feel can help keep your body in balance and is a great addition to your self-care routine.